

12 Uppsatser om Ad libitum - Sida 1 av 1

Vaccination against boar taint - effect of restrictive and semi ad libitum feeding regime on production and behavior

Male piglets have been castrated for centuries to avoid contamination of their meat with boar taint, a strongly unpleasant odour that makes the meat inedible. Today boar taint can be prohib-ited by vaccination against gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) using Improvac®. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of vaccination on growth performance and behaviour of vaccinated male pigs compared to surgically castrated male pigs. The effect of two feeding regimes, restricted (SLU-norm) and semi Ad libitum, was also included in the study. At birth, pigs (n=206) were randomly allocated to the two treatment groups; surgically castrated and vaccination.

Har koffein en omedelbar effekt p? energiintaget? En systematisk litteratur?versikt Malin Foxing

Syfte: Syftet med denna systematiska litteratur?versikt var att unders?ka evidensen f?r huruvida koffein kan ha en omedelbar effekt p? energiintaget hos vuxna ? 18 ?r. Metod: Litteraturs?kningen genomf?rdes i databaserna Pubmed och Scopus den 21 mars 2023. Tillv?gag?ngss?ttet f?r artikelurvalet var systematiskt och innefattade randomiserade kontrollerade humanstudier p? en vuxen population. Artiklar som haft ?vervikt och/eller obesitas som specifikt inklusionskriterium exkluderades.

Fri utfodring av halm som strategi för att förhindra stereotypier hos uppbundna kvigor :

At present indoor tethering of dairy cows is still common but is not predicted to take part of modern dairy production. When conducting scientific studies of cattle it is generally necessary to tether the animals to maintain a controlled environment. Studies confirm that tethering and confinements of cattle severely affects the development of stereotypies in cattle. The feeding regime and feeding level have an immense affect on the stereotypi level in cattle. The aim of this experiment was to study dairy heifers that had never been tethered before the start of the experiment, to evaluate the affect of tethering on the development of stereotypies and the impact of the feeding regime on the behavior of the animals. Sixteen dairy heifers were tethered in a tie stall and divided in two groups with different treatments. Heifers in treatment E were fed restrictedly with silage and treatment EH was fed with the same amount of silage but also straw Ad libitum.

Aggressivt beteende hos suggor vid gruppering

Syftet med den här litteraturstudien är att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar aggressionsnivån hos grupphållna suggor och vilka konsekvenser aggressivt beteende kan få för produktionsresultaten. Aggressivt beteende hos suggor påverkas av många olika faktorer, t.ex. boxstorlek, boxutformning, utfodringssystem, tillgång på strömedel, djurhantering och avel. Behandling med lugnande preparat eller maskeringslukter har däremot ingen betydande effekt på förekomsten av aggressivt beteende. Sådana preparat förskjuter förekomst av aggression och resulterar ofta i en kraftig stressrespons, vilket pekar på försämrad djurvälfärd.

Styrd tillväxt och snabba foderstatsförändringar till växande slaktungnöt

För att på ett enkelt sätt kunna styra tillväxten hos nötkreatur i köttproduktion, framförallt under den sista tiden innan slakt, är det nödvändigt att veta vilka gränser det finns för hur snabbt en förändring i utfodringsintensitet, framförallt kraftfoderökning, kan genomföras. Ett flertal försök har visat att det är möjligt att anpassa nötkreatur till en kraftfoderbaserad diet med hjälp av ökade kraftfoderkoncentrationer under en begränsad tid. Dock riskerar djuren att drabbas av olika, framförallt subkliniska, hälsostörningar om förändringen sker för hastigt eller om fodret innehåller mycket lättsmält stärkelse. Exempel på störningar som kan uppkomma är våmacidos, trumsjuka, fång, leverbölder och löpmagsförskjutning. För att minska problemen med subklinisk våmacidos rekommenderas fullfoderutfodring Ad libitum, alternativt utfodring minst två gånger per dag med små dagliga mängdvariationer samt en anpassningstid på minst två till tre veckor.

Erfarenheter av några utfodringssystem till får :

The evaluation of the function of the feeding of sheep herds is suggested to involve the work effort, the fulfilment of the nutrient needs of the sheep and the feed waste. Mechanisation of the feeding can be very simple or include high degrees of mechanisation. Three different farms, representing different levels of mechanisation are presented. Descriptions and analysis of the feeding systems including mechanisation, work effort and estimations of the feed waste are made on each farm. The herd with the most advanced feed mechanisation included a rolling feed band and mix wagon. The other farms were partly or little mechanised including ad lib feeding from big bales and manual distribution of hay and concentrates. The most mechanised farm was able to feed a large herd of sheep at a low work effort and little feed waste. However, the investment in machinery has to be weighed against the improved efficiency.

Utfodring av föl före och efter avvänjning :

Swedish horse breeders have generally very few mares producing a few foals a year and the breeders have relatively few traditions, little knowledge and experience to breed foals successfully. It is therefore important to provide adequate information about new findings in horse nutrition. However, there is not much research about feeding the suckling foal to ensure a sound growth. Current feeding recommendations in the literature seems to be different. This gives a confusing message and the information is difficult to apply. This paper reviews some publications in the area of feeding the suckling and weaning foal. Most authors stress that it?s important to start feeding the foal early in life.

Välfärd hos växande nötkreatur ? finns den?

During an investigation of animal welfare in animal production, the focus has for a long time been focused on the absence of stress, suffering and injuries, and positive emotions have not been prioritized. However, in recent years that has been drastically changed. The public interest have increased for buying animal products from animals that have had a decent life, which have led to that play, exploratory behavior and other positive behaviours has come to play a significant role in welfare assessment. The welfare of cattle is difficult to assess since there is currently no ancestors to study, it is thus difficult to determine which behaviors can be regarded as natural and thus positively related, acordingly the welfare of cattle have been forgotten and research on positive emotions of cattle have not been prioritized. The aim of this study was to observe which behavior growing cattle performe, and if there was any differences of which kind of behavior that was observed, if the cattle is keept on slatted floor or on a deep straw bedding. Furthermore, antoher purpose was to investigate if the observed behaviours indicate a positive, negative or natural welfare, and if it is possible to use the observed behaviours in a welfare assessment.

Effekten av olika stora mjölkgivor på kalvars tillväxt och konsumtion av kraftfoder och hö :

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur två olika stora mjölkgivor påverkar kalvars tillväxt och kraftfoderkonsumtionen under mjölkperioden och vid avvänjningen. Anledningen till att försöket gjordes var att få fram uppdaterade uppgifter om konsumtionen av mjölkersättning och tillväxten för att kunna utnyttja sambandet mellan dessa för att uppskatta hur mycket mjölk kalvar konsumerar som tillåts dia fritt från modern. Kalvarna utfodrades med mjölkersättning med samma energiinnehåll som i helmjölk. Studien var en del av ett större projekt där kalvar gick med mödrarna i ett lösdriftsstall med robotmjölkning. I foderförsöket ingick 47 kalvar av båda könen och av rasen SRB.

Dried distiller?s grains with solubles and Swedish grown soya beans as protein feeds for dairy bull calves

The cattle production in the world has been questioned in Sweden due to its negative impacts on the environment. The use of imported soya bean meal as a protein feed for Swedish cattle results in the cutting of rainforest and an extensive use of pesticides in the countries were the soya beans are produced. As a consequence, the environmental impacts caused by cattle production increases. A production of protein feeds in Sweden would decrease the transportations and the cutting of rainforest. For organic beef producers the possibility to produce home-grown protein feeds is important since organic protein feeds can be difficult to obtain in another way.

Inverkan av utfodringsnivå och miljö på reproduktion och hållbarhet hos rekryteringskvigor :

This study is based on an earlier interdisciplinary study made by Redbo et al., (2000), Extensive cattle production systems ? out wintering, which lasted over two winters, 97/98 and 98/99, with two groups of heifers indoors and two groups of heifers outdoors raised in different environments, indoors or outdoors during their second winter. Both indoor and outdoor heifer groups were fed grass silage Ad libitum throughout the experimental period that lasted from October until May. The objective of this study was to evaluate the long term effects of being raised in these two environments. This study includes data collected during the period lasting from the start of the experiment of Redbo et al., (2000) until the heifers had calved a second time and the results mainly deal with the performance of the animals after the experiment during their first two calvings and their first lactation.

Deltidsbete : effekt på mjölkkornas foderintag och avkastning

Detta arbete är en litteraturstudie som handlar om hur deltidsbete påverkar mjölkkors avkastning, foderintag och välfärd. I Sverige har vi beteskrav till skillnad från många andra länder i världen. Detta skapar problem då besättningstorlekarna ökar och det blir svårare att få marker i närheten av gården att räcka till alla kor. Det största problemet med mjölkkor på bete är dock att högavkastande kor inte producerar lika mycket på bete som inne på stall. Det är därför viktigt att finna ett sätt att lösa problemen som både gynnar kon och bonden.